Nov 7, 2023Liked by James L Bruno

A couple things that I think are noteworthy regarding current GOP policy, if they actually have a policy. 1. If they hate Ukraine it is only because their orange god, Donald Trump, did not get his way with his, pre first impeachment efforts. If the Furher is upset everyone must cringe and as we have seen the majority of the Republican Party do to appease him. Just as an aside, Neville Chamberlain thought appeasement would work with Hitler, it did not and Hitler only demanded more. 2. The GOP is a fascist party and has been for some time. They want to have autocratic rule, just as the National Socialist German Workers Party did in the 1930’s. Keep in mine there was a world wide Economic Crisis just before that, where there was no central bank to soften the blow. On top of that the idiots in power in the rest of Europe thought it was a good idea to punish Germany with obscene sanctions adding to the misery of the populace who had little or nothing to do with starting or perpetuating the war. But why realize that the government in power calls the shots and the working people pay the price. 3. The GOP has worked diligently, just as the elites did in Germany post WWI. For the German people they had zero experience with democracy, which was forced upon them at the end of the war, they had no ability or agency in supporting a democratic government. The GOP, especially with Trump saying from the time he came down the escalator, that the only way he could lose is if it was rigged. He kept that mantra up for 4 years in anticipation of the loss in 2020 and his base, who have really come of age since Ronald Reagan’s admonition that “I am from the government and I am here to help” pejorative, and they believe it. They don’t notice that routinely the GOP has moved to underfund the very agencies that could help, at the same time propping up the corporate giants no matter what. For those who are unaware, Benito Mussolini defined Fascism as “When you can’t see daylight between corporations and government you have Fascism” That was Hitler’s position as well.

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Though it springs from a seed of truth, this indictment is wildly exaggerated.

First, there are many Republicans, in and out of Congress, who do stand in favor of support for Ukraine. Second, there are few Republicans who regard V. Putin as a hero of Christian nationalism. That, of course, is the position of some national conservatives, who by and large can hardly be called Republicans or even conservatives in the traditional sense. Third, on the Democratic side there are many progressives who are at the very least wobbly on Ukraine. See here, for instance:


Finally—and this is just my opinion—for all his tough talk, Biden’s Ukraine policy is a botch. Instead of giving that country what it needed to prevail, the Biden Administration wasted time debating with itself over whether Ukraine should receive this or that weapons system, finally providing it tardily, with the result we see now: The war is being dragged out, and a stalemate seems more than possible. I wrote about this here:


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Nov 28, 2023Liked by James L Bruno

I do not disagree with your points and I too am disappointed in the reluctance of the Biden administration to be more forceful. On the GOP side, my beef is with the “moderate Republicans” who do not speak out forcefully against the MAGA crowd. Their cowardice is unforgivable. On the other side I also have to keep in mind that many would be primaried by their opponents and then another layer of guardrails would be lost. This country has always leaned toward Fascism. During the Gullded Age the “Men Who Built America” , to use the History Channels phrase, told government what to do and in the Great Depression actually bailed out the United States Government. Following that time period we had the Progressive Era, which began to equalize the Corporate influence by supporting Labor, the actual Men who Built America, followed by 2 world wars which depended upon industry, finance and the other corporate masters, opening the door to where we are today. Post WWII the process to dismantle the reforms of the Progressive Era began with restrictions on organized labor. Since Ronald Reagan the rate of decline has increased with the MIddle Class, or Working Class in the UK, has lost ground on all levels. We are back to the Guiilded Age and the new Robber Barons. I would say there may be some exaggeration in my initial comments but I cannot say it is wildly exaggerated given the lunacy in the current representative bodies in office.

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Stalemate is exactly not what is going on in Ukraine. Putin and his Russian conscripts are being slaughtered like turkeys. Putin has lost his little war because freedom and democracy can only flourish without him. Yes Putin had a few friends among the republicans but they are the stupid traitor republicans, both in and out of congress.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by James L Bruno

I would agree, at least in principle to your position. Our actual problem is that the Corporate Media is failing to do their job properly. We humans have many memory system built in. One of which is our cognitive memory, and often the one we focus on, because we use it to find our keys or why we walked from the living room to the kitchen. Societies have memory systems as well and sometimes those collective memories create the same problem. We forget where we placed our keys. In that case we are depending on the recording mechanisms that we have available to us, books for long term memory, magazines and maybe journals for medium term memory and television and radio, and I guess now podcasts, for short term memory. Our “Corporate” media, and I include Fox, News Max and OAN in those, even though they are not actually news outlets, have failed us in the short term and even medium term arena. The less propagandaish formats still fail to do the job, mainly because they are owned by the oligarchs that feed the existing Corporate/Government paradigm. I know that sounds conspiratorial but it is not meant to be, it is just that truth gets buried when money controls. Because of the false belief in balance and the fear that the outlet will be accused of bias they water down the facts to give the appearance of balance. When the body is sick it is out of balance or diseased. You don’t cure that illness by being balanced with treatment. You cause or take action to treat with the intent to reach balance or homeostasis ( or at least allostasis). You combat propaganda with truth, and it must be clear and pointed. If it is not it is like the recent discovery that a purported decongestant that does not work is removed from the shelves, despite the fact that millions of people paid for a product that does not work.

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Ukraine embodies the corruption of the Biden/Obama administration. Maybe that’s why ??

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by James L Bruno

That can’t be it. GOPConspiracy theories are all debunked and it’s clear republicans are still trying to mislead as if they just keep telling the lie like it has become the truth. Only idiots subscribe to that way of crying. Americans love the truth.

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You’re one.

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If only that were true.

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But there’s absolutely no truth to what your opinion implies without proof. That’s the problem with you Putin trolls, you never start with any credible evidence. Either start with the evidence or start for the door because no one is unaware of your anti westerners smears and bullshit.

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America loves winners. It’s that simple.

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