really interesting. i’m a scared disabled senior on social security, medicaid…..but i am resisting

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I am 69 y/o . Saw ‘60’s, 70’s up close and personal. Did all the things.

I will march. I will get in the front. Let them start shooting 69 y/o grey haired 4’10” 120 lb grandmothers.

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As a middle-aged American growing up during the last years of the Cold War (attending in-school presentations regarding fallout shelters and nuclear bombs in elementary school), I saw the Berlin Wall fall on television. Seeing the stark differences between East and West Germany on television was surreal to me. It was never something we wanted, right? I am completely baffled by the current events unfolding in our country. While I am very open-minded and accepting of others, I grew up with the understanding that we would always stand by our Allies. I am genuinely concerned for our future. Thank you for your insight.

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Thanks also for your thoughtful comment.

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This is just what MAGA thinks that they want. But when it happens, too late, they will have buyer’s remorse.

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Thank you for sharing your highly relevant perspective. I’m no expert but I’d like to think I have a dose of common sense. I see two possible outcomes of the US abandoning Ukraine. First, Russia and wars of aggression are legitimized by defeating Ukraine. The US loses stature and trust and therefore influence. We are weaker, Russia is relatively stronger. Second, Europe and Ukraine somehow manage to grind Russia down to a loss. The US loses stature and trust and therefore influence. We are weaker and Europe rises in power (as long as they can stay united). Either way we, Americans, lose. I suppose a third option leads to all out war in Europe with Trump bleating “I told you so!” In that case, China picks up the pieces of what’s left. At the end of the day, Russia can’t compete with us economically, politically (influence), or financially. The only way they can match us is by bringing us down to their level. Trump is ensuring that will happen sooner rather than later. I’ll defer to your expertise.

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All very apt scenarios. I'm hoping that Americans, just now rising up to protest, will soon bring about the changes needed to put us back on course. We all need to do our part. Fingers crossed.

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I totally agree; it is so obvious.

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This orange shit smear and his South African commander - whose tiny balls are being juggled by Putin will never get away with betraying America and aiding an enemy! Both they and the assortment of vile underlings - Republican representatives - who are wantonly sabotaging our democracy will be led to the gallows for their malfeasance.

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