Trumplethinskin basically weaponized a 2014 (think it was 2014) interview on Bill Moyers with conservative Republican congressional aide, Mike Lofgren. I remember watching the interview and I sincerely doubt Trumplethinskin actually read his essay “Anatomy of the Deep State or read his book that came out a couple years later. I mean, Trumpanzee doesn’t read beyond a 6th grade level like most of the American public. Which is likely why tariffs sound good to the lot of them since it was 6th grade social studies where I first learned about tariffs. Which make sense to a sixth grader until you grow up and see how the world actually works 40 years later. I don’t know, not to digress. But that’s where the term came from in conservative circles. It sounds compelling, especially considering how they weaponized conspiracy culture with all that Qanonsense they couldn’t shut up about until it got out that it was just the douche from NiChan the goofy “world’s largest bulletin board” operating out of Japan. It kept evolving think it went to 4chan something like that. But it’s funny because it was just this douche selling coffee cups and t-shirts to capitalize off conspiracy dorks. Notice nobody talks about that Q thing anymore. But deep state kinda had wheels since it was already part of conservative culture, which of course isn’t even an ideology. That is, not unless you consider intransigence to change mixed with neoliberal economics with a Jesus syrup poured over a pile of leather bound Trump Bibles an ideology.

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Thanks for the history and humor. Spot on!

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There was never a deep state. The only one might be the deep state Trump wants to create by subjecting the government to his personal control.

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Apparently the notion of a "deep state" has Turkish roots.

"The term "deep state" can be traced back to the Turkish phrase "derin devlet," which refers to a clandestine network of military officers, intelligence operatives, and influential bureaucrats that operates to preserve the power and authority of the state. Although the concept has its roots in Turkey, it has since been adopted and adapted to describe similar alleged networks in other countries.

"The Deep State conspiracy theory gained significant attention in the United States following the 2016 presidential election. It was fueled by accusations that unelected bureaucrats and intelligence officials were working against the newly-elected administration. Various media outlets and commentators have perpetuated these claims, arguing that this secretive group undermines the democratic process and operates above the law."


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